HONK is trusted by:

Streamlined contactless payments.
Say goodbye to the hassle
✗ Hardware fees & maintenance
✗ Internet connectivity & power
✗ Cash collection
Say hello to the convenience
✓ No app to install
✓ No user registration
✓ 100% contactless & safe
The better, faster & safer payment solution
Make it simple for customers to pay with just two clicks to purchase – no app to download or account to register!
Customize the entire checkout process – from white-labeled point-of-sale signage to branded customer statements
Offer convenient payment avenues through mobile wallet

We’ve got the complete parking package.
On-demand parking
Promo codes & validations
Flex pass
Paid EV Charging
Self-managed rates
Business intelligence
Drive up revenue with HONK. Book a demo today!
Add touch-free payments to your parking operation.